
The first time I played The Sims I was in the second grade. I was at my Aunt’s house watching my older cousin, Chelsea, decorate and furnish rooms. After about two seconds of watching her play I was obsessed. I have always had an imagination that’s bigger than I know what to do with, and The Sims seemed like a great outlet for expressing myself.

After seeing how much I enjoyed watching Chelsea play, my Aunt got me The Sims box set for my eighth birthday. As soon as my party was over I had my Dad install the game on the computer in the basement. My Mom, Dad, sister, and I, created a sim version of our family, and had a lot of fun doing it too! Unfortunately, things quickly took a turn for the worst.

Eager to decorate and play with my sims, I had accidentally spent all their “simmolians” on wallpaper and forgot to buy a front door. Without any knowledge of cheat codes, I was forced to watch my family slowly die on our front lawn.

After this somewhat traumatic experience, I was quickly able to pick up on how the game works and it has been one of my favorite past times ever since. In middle school The Sims 2, was an escape for my friends and I. We weren’t the most popular, and weren’t able to explore much outside of our small town. The Sims allowed us to be whoever we wanted, and do whatever we wanted. I am really thankful that I had it, during those awkward times.

photo by me

When I was around sixteen my family had moved Texas. During the move my computer wiped out all of The Sims games I had saved over the years. With a completely blank slate and a new high school, I decided it was time to stop simulating life and start living it. Even though I was having a great time in Texas, I still missed the game. I tried to keep up to date with all of the new and exciting packs that were being released.

It was one day, while procrastinating on my chemistry homework that I found let’s plays on youtube. I was thrilled to discover a whole community of people, my age and older , who had the same passion and held the same sentimental value to the game as I did. I had always been a little embarrassed that I played The Sims, and I no longer feel that way.

Although, I do not have the schedule that allows me to play the game anymore, I still look forward to watching youtubers play at the end of my day. This blog is a testament to my love of the game and the community of people who continue to make The Sims so great!

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