Sims Bowling Stuff? And How EA is revisiting stuff packs

So, real quick, to follow up with the last post, I tried to download FreeSO onto my computer, but I found out that the creators of the program haven’t made a version that is compatible for Mac.

Since then things have been pretty quite in the Sims community; that is until recently. Simmers around the globe collectively rolled their eyes when, two weeks ago, EA announced the release of The Sims 4 Bowling Stuff.

Another “stuff” pack that centers around features nobody really asked for/wanted in their game. It’s true that bowling has been an activity in both The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, but it was included in expansion packs and not sold to players just on its own.

The Sims 4 Bowling stuff adds a few new outfits and hairstyles, that have a sort of 50’s rocker feel, as well as bright build mode items and furniture that one might need to decorate a bowling alley. Overall, most players were disappointed that EA released yet another game that lacks content and substance for a quick buck.

But don’t get to sad yet! It seems as though The Sims is finally listening to what the players are saying and are in development of a stuff pack that has never before been done in the entire Sims franchise. EA is creating a stuff pack that is specifically going to be made up of players suggestions and requests. Pretty cool, right?  A new forum popped up on EA April 4th, asking simmers to fill out a survey as well as describing the process of making a stuff pack.

The survey consisted of five possible game options and asked players to vote for their favorite to their least favorite, from a scale of one to five. The options were, Eco Living, Starter Home Stuff, Arcade Stuff, Dangerous Stuff (a stuff pack focusing on the afterlife and the grim reaper), and Wedding Stuff. The survey was closed on April 6th and on April 10nth EA will announce on their website which of the stuff packs won. From April 10th to the 12th, players will be able to vote on the art style they’d like to see used in the pack.

From May 18th to the 21st, players will be able to vote on clothing and objects for the pack. During the in-between time Maxis and EA will keep players up to date on the development, giving an in-depth look on what it takes to make a stuff pack for The Sims. From June 23rd to the 26th players get to vote for features that they want to be seen in the game, and it will be released in fall of 2017.

I personally think this is a really refreshing approach to the game, and it might change the corse of how sims games are produced for the next few years. Having the players of the game join with the developers will bring the community closer together.

computer developers
Taken on August 15, 2010 Photographer: Dennis Stachel for GDC Europe Credit/Copyright: GDC Europe

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